Allah Beni Seviyor - Allah Loves Me (İngilizce)
Marka | : Timas Publishing |
Kitaplık | : Timas Kitab |
Diziler | : Child Religion (Çocuk ve Din) |
Sayfa / Ebat | : 384s. / 12x16,5 |
İlk ve Son Baskı | : Ocak’14 / Aralık’19 |
Baskı Sayısı | : 2 |
ISBN | : 978-605-08-1410-1 |
Barkod | : 9786050814101 |
Dil | : İngilizce |
500.00 TL
KDV Dahil Fiyat
Arka kapak
This book consists of twelve different tories, all based on a verse from the Qur’an, like:
Allah loves those who are patient.
Allah loves those who are kind.
Allah loves those who are helpful.
Allah loves those who are clean.
Every story has a child as the main character. In this way the children who read the story will easily identify with the character. While they learn the meanings of each verse, they will also learn the meaning of virtue.
Illustrator: Sevgi İcigen
Anahtar kelime
GOD, LOVE OF GOD, VERSİCLE, GOODNESS, STORY, PATİENCEBu kitap için henüz yorum yapılmadı.
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